Not only does it store my china and display my small collection of white ceramic pitchers, it is a constant reminder to me of God's faithfulness to provide. I waited 20 years for a nice hutch and it is perfect for my likes and my space! To trust God in the wait bears sweet rewards.
We are still waiting for big bucks to come thru for our Russia missions trip. We have applied to GAiN, we are waiting for passports, we are prepping for a big, big yard sale. We've sold wreaths, soup, and personal possessions. We've written letters (over 75) and petitioned God in earnest. As of today, we are still short $4100. All the money must be in my hands April 15th so I can get it to GAiN five days after that.
So, am I worried? No. Have I had doubts? No. But what I have had are moments of heart racing over how to do our part and how to let God show Himself strong. I don't believe in just writing letters without doing some hard labor, but I can say it's been hard work! Listing stuff on ebay, cleaning & sorting & arranging myriad details for our huge yard sale in Fallston on April 14th --yeh, it's doing the WORK of an evangelist, for sure. But it's good and meaningful work.
Please pray. I am in faith that God will remind all His people to follow thru w/ their check writing in the midst of their busyness.
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