Tuesday, April 08, 2008

The Game of Give (Or Sacrifice)?

I am making a morale-boosting game for the troops and I don't know what to call it. I'm toying with "Give" or "Sacrifice." Since I couldn't afford to buy a game, I came up with my own. It's a creative way of sharing the goodies we've been sending over, as well as entertainment.

I would like it if you could add questions to the game.

For 2 or more players
The game is based on the verse "it is more blessed to give than to receive."
Object: to sacrifice more of your care package goods than anyone else
Game pieces: none
Set up a container (called The Basket) in center of table.Fill it with snacks, toiletries, puzzles, DVDs, etc from your latest care pkg.
Start with youngest player.
EAch person takes 2 goodies to start with.
Player 1 draws a question, answers it, and follows the instructions.
Play continues till all goodies in center have been taken in the game.

Questions I've come up with *just a smattering).

If you've gotten a call from home this week, sacrifice all your goods to the BAsket.
If you haven't had a shower in 48 hours, take 2 items from player to your left.
IF you have a dog at home, give one item to player across from you.
If you have sheets on your bed, give 3 items to the Basket.
If you have read your Bible today, take 1 item from the BAsket.
IF you got a letter from home (or anyone in the STates) in the past week, give 2 items away.
If you had creamer for your coffee today, give 2 items to person on your left.

Can you all help think of more? They should be related to the troops in terms of :
family life

Which name do you like better for the game? Or suggest a new one.

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