Back in the day, I was a cheerleader from seventh grade through tenth grade at a Christian school. Don't look at the lower right hand picture. Our uniforms were just way too sexy. You could almost see our kneecaps if you play "I Spy."
Here is a picture of a scrapbook page I made. Yes, that would be me in the denim overalls. We were doing a pep rally with a "Hee Haw" theme. (Readers under 40 years of age might have to Google "Hee Haw TV show" to understand the reference. Ouch.)
The ankle-crossed-leaning-like-dominoes photo (L. to R.) shows Yours Truly, Louise D, Margaret Ann R., and Wendy E. I've lost touch with Louise and Wendy, but Margaret Ann and I still keep in touch a few times a year. I spent countless hours at her house when we were growing up.
The most fun that Margaret Ann and I had was on a certain Halloween night when we toilet-papered her neighbor's truck and lawn, and soaped his windows. The man--Mr. Knaub-- happened to be the boys' gym teacher at our school, and he was at prayer meeting with his family that night. I don't know where M.A's parents went, but they weren't home either.
She and I had never done anything so ornery as this little stunt, and we were loving every minute of it. Two "good girls" being very,very bad. Working swiftly, hearts pounding, we giggled harder with every roll we finished off. When we finally ran out of TP, we high-fived. What great mummifying skills!
We crossed the street and decided the better part of wisdom would be to go bed before her folks--or Mr. Knaub--got home. Of course, we couldn't really sleep, we were so "wired" from our escapade. We wondered how long it would before Mr. Knaub found the culprits. Surely we'd help him hunt them down; surely they were mean-awful-no-good hoodlums from the other side of the tracks.
Margaret Ann's parents got home around 10 pm. We were "asleep" so they didn't come asking about our evening. All looked normal, and besides, it was a school night, and we were tired cheerleaders. Ahem.
Ding-dong! I still remember the doorbell. We trembled and yanked the velvet bedspread up over our heads.
Mr. Reeves answered the door.
"Hey, Al, what brings you over?"
"Hey, Donny, uh--I was just wonderin' if you had any trouble tonight."
"Trouble? You mean Halloween trouble? No, why. You?"
"Yeh. Somebody papered the truck, all up the hood, around the wheels, in the bed, everywhere. Soaped my house windows. Grass is covered, every square inch of it."
"Really? Oh, Al, no. I'm surprised being right across the street we didn't get the same thing done, but no, we're fine. Margaret Ann and Zoanna were here, but they're in bed now."
"They are? Oh, I was gonna talk to them, see if they knew who done it."
"Well, I can ask them in the morning..."
"Thanks, Donny. I mean it's going to take a lot of work to clean it up, and I really want to find out if they know who it was."
We could hear every word through the thin walls of the small house. Margarent Ann's room was right behind the front door. It was all we could do to squelch our giggles under the covers.
As soon as the front door closed and Mr. Knaub was gone, we burst out laughing. So loud that Mr. Reeves came to his daughter's door and knocked. "Margaret Ann, I thought you girls were asleep. What're you laughing about? Al was over here just now. He wasn't in a real good mood. You have any idea who coulda--"
We opened the door, doubled over in ribs-hurting, face-cracking laughter.
Her dad started chuckling. "You two papered Al's truck? And soaped his house? While we were gone? I never woulda--"
The next day our consciences would not let go of us. We found Mr. Knaub at school and told him it was us. He knew. He knew? The good girls of HCS, his own sweet neighbor girl and her innocent friend?
He was right. It took a lot of work to clean that mess up.
It makes a great memory and story! I was party to what I still think is a hilarious prank in college. I have not decided if I want to put it on my blog : )
Sorry to say I did not need to google Hee Haw....
Zoanna, what a good story! Of course Mr. Reeves knew it was the 'good-girl' cheerleaders! That's priceless. :)
Ah, those were the days... When soaping windows and toilet-papering were the worst that teenaged trouble-makers got into!
Lesley, I was thinking the same thing about the "worst things"!
Thanks for stopping by. I love looking at the Seton Hill photos. Memories abound for me at that campus. I bet some will appear here before too long. Almost used my dorm name as a C prompt.
Joyce, do tell. You gotta! It was WAAAAY back then; what can it hurt?
Make us laugh.
You NAUGHTY girls! ;)
I can imagine you planning the ornery scheme, doing it with gusto and giggles, then the wired nerves of anticipating and being found out! It was probably more fun to t.p. the place than to de-t.p.!
Love the photos! Cute! Cute! Cute! Oh man, I think we would have had too much fun if we'd gone to HS together!
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