1. What are your plans for Easter Day/weekend?
Good Friday--our 19-year-old son Steve is preaching. He will be one of three men in the pulpit (consecutively, not simultaneously, I believe). His topic is 'Pierced for our Transgressions." Saturday, I don't know, but Sunday we're taking our daughter out for her birthday which is actually this Friday.
2. Besides Jesus, what one person from The Bible would you most like to meet and why?
Oh, so many! I think I'd like to meet Martha and ask her if she learned to sit at Jesus' feet after she spouted off to Him that no one was helping her in the kitchen. And if so, could she teach me how not to get frazzled so easily.
Oh, so many! I think I'd like to meet Martha and ask her if she learned to sit at Jesus' feet after she spouted off to Him that no one was helping her in the kitchen. And if so, could she teach me how not to get frazzled so easily.
3. What is one modern day convenience you didn't have as a child that was easy to live without?
Any of our technological gadgets that tend to stifle creativity and social skills rather than enhance them. We got our info from books, and most of our fun outside.
Any of our technological gadgets that tend to stifle creativity and social skills rather than enhance them. We got our info from books, and most of our fun outside.
4. Are you more right brained or left brained? If you don't know what that means there is an interesting little quiz here.
According to that quiz, I'm 45% left-brained and 55% right-brained. That lines up with other such assessments I've taken. One career suggestion for me that was on that quiz cracked me up. Forest ranger. Seriously? I like trees and fresh air, but that's about where my desire to traipse around in the forest would end. I'm freaked out by bugs, snakes, owls, and sly foxes, and I hate to sweat.
According to that quiz, I'm 45% left-brained and 55% right-brained. That lines up with other such assessments I've taken. One career suggestion for me that was on that quiz cracked me up. Forest ranger. Seriously? I like trees and fresh air, but that's about where my desire to traipse around in the forest would end. I'm freaked out by bugs, snakes, owls, and sly foxes, and I hate to sweat.
5. What is something you intended to do today but didn't? Why?
Grocery shop. Because I didn't intend to be cleaning up after my dog so much. I am never in the mood to grocery shop, and if you couple that with frustration before leaving home, and add a heavy dose of rain when giving the errand across town some thought, and there is chicken corn chowder available to heat up...
Grocery shop. Because I didn't intend to be cleaning up after my dog so much. I am never in the mood to grocery shop, and if you couple that with frustration before leaving home, and add a heavy dose of rain when giving the errand across town some thought, and there is chicken corn chowder available to heat up...
6. Cadbury Creme Eggs or Reeses peanut butter?
7. Who was your favorite cartoon character when you were a child?
Speed Racer. I've always had a need for Speed, and his sidekick monkey was adorable. I admit to being slightly jealous of his girlfriend Trixie.
Speed Racer. I've always had a need for Speed, and his sidekick monkey was adorable. I admit to being slightly jealous of his girlfriend Trixie.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
It may sound silly, but I am praying for my dog Reilly to repent soon. That is, to turn from his wicked ways of peeing indoors, escaping the yard to run through the muddy stream, jumping on visitors, and stealing food from my youngest child. He had been doing so well, and has regressed.
I am convinced that prayer and training are key, but selfishly I just want prayer to fix him. It's too much like parenting a toddler, and I gave that up a long time ago.
It may sound silly, but I am praying for my dog Reilly to repent soon. That is, to turn from his wicked ways of peeing indoors, escaping the yard to run through the muddy stream, jumping on visitors, and stealing food from my youngest child. He had been doing so well, and has regressed.
I am convinced that prayer and training are key, but selfishly I just want prayer to fix him. It's too much like parenting a toddler, and I gave that up a long time ago.
I was never a Speed Racer fan but I did love Johnny Quest...I forgot about that one.
Ahh, dogs...we are in the midst of putting in a patio so they've taken the fence out and my dog is not happy. Mine is an old lady now so she mostly stays out of mischief. Mostly.
Happy Easter!
Your son is preaching, that is wonderful. You must be very proud.
I will join you in prayer for your dog. How old is he? Our dog Skye was trained with ringing a bell to go outside by the back door. It was the greatest experience I've had with training a dog. Have a wonderful Easter.
Reese's for me too - yum!
I'm praying for my toddler to repent soon. That is, to start sleeping longer stretches at night :)
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