Tuesday, March 25, 2008

"Vociferous and Atonal": Check out 22 Words Blog

Amy linked to a blog called 22 Words. I love it (what little I've skimmed). Each post is exactly 22 words long, not counting titles. Imagine the discipline to limit your posts (or stretch them if need be) to 22 words each , yet capture the essence with eloquence and style?

I loved what the author said in a post that begins with "Terrible singing...." Check it out.


Amy said...

I KNEW you would be one of the ones who would love that blog :) Discipline, indeed--I thought many of the posts were spiritually profound, but I was also amazed just from a writer's perspective. It took me forever to come up with an exactly-twenty-two-word post about it!

Did you read the post reflecting on the loss of their daughter at Easter? That was the first one I read--it was (heart-wrenchingly) beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I checked out the blog yesterday, as well as his wife's, and Noel's. Didn't know the Piper Fam had personal blogs apart from Desiring God. Cool!

Bethany said...

Oh that is cool.

Hey you are reading alot.....I have hardly read anything this year....oh well.