Borrowing again from this site, A Simple Woman's Daybook, because I'm not clear-headed today.
Outside my, grey day in the high 50s
I am thinking...of how much I have to do before tomorrow to prepare for a professional massage at home. Paul's cousin is a massage therapist who is giving me the family discount. I have only ever gotten a professional massage for my birthday, but I'm having a lot of trouble with my spine, and my chiropractor doesn't take our new insurance. To say I can hardly wait for this is the understatement of the year.
I am thankful for... the opportunity to get away on retreat with the ladies from my church this coming weekend. It's been four years since the last one.
I am wearing...a lime V-neck tee with a plum 3/4-length sleeve top which is too low-cut to wear alone; black jeans; ginormous white daisy earrings. I am also wearing happy coral toenail polish.
I am remembering...very little these days. It's scary.
I am going... to bathe my stinky dog, clean out the hummingbird feeder, and
write an ode to the deceased hermit crab. Or maybe not.
write an ode to the deceased hermit crab. Or maybe not.
I am currently reading...Same Kind of Different as Me.
I am hoping... someone brings me flowers
On my mind... romance...
Noticing's time to change the heavy winter curtains to something lighter for spring and summer
Pondering these words... "I gave you a heavy bottom" (see yesterday's post)
From the kitchen is a horrible smell. At least I think that's where it's coming from. Maybe the garage. I hope I can find it to eliminate it, because it's making my headache worse, and is not exactly contributing to the spa-like setting I'm attempting to create.
Around the house... like I said, is this odor...
One of my favorite things~remembering teachers and good times from high school

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