Friday, September 14, 2007

I Need 7 Priests with 7 Horns: Any Volunteers?

This morning I was reading from Joshua 6. It was clearly a Sermon to Self. It's the familiar account of the fall of Jericho. Since I can easily skip over familiarity, I use a pen and journal to analyze and meditate better. Here is what God showed me this morning.

"I have given you this opportunity. Now take it."

Even that is not new to me. It's familiar, but I miss it time and time again. Specifically, right now, I have opportunities to be part of changing those things I long to see changed. I made a list of 10 and was just getting started.

On that list, near the top, was "Invite Susan to Alpha." If you've been reading my blog for any length of time, you know that my neighbor across the street has been on my heart for a long time, but have I actually said these words, "Would you come to Alpha with me?" No. I haven't.

Joshua 6 showed me three things to do:

1. March. Be active in your quests. Concentrate on the will of God for six days straight and expect results on the seventh. This may be literally six days, or six months, or six years, but the point is, "March!" Don't sit and be distracted.

2. Pray. The Lord told Joshua to get 7 priests to bear 7 horns, march around the city walls 7 times, and on the 7th day to blow the horns 7 times. Clear pattern here, huh? Of course since he number 7 symbolizes completion/perfection/maturity, God was saying, "Do the whole job. Stick with it. Persevere." But God made sure Joshua would rally a team of noise-making priests, shall we say, as major players in the conquest.

3. Advance, armed! With the whole armor of God, go for it. You've been given the opportunity, you've prayed and called for others to pray intently with you. Now go. Obey. Proceed. Advance. Advance the gospel. Destroy the walls that Satan has put up around people, and expect God to do glorious things. He has already given it to you!

So, dear readers, if you would commit to praying with me and for me, and for my neighbor, Susan, for seven straight days, being most persistent on Day 7, would you please leave your name here? I am looking for seven people who will write this request down, put in on their fridge or bedside or mirror or dog dish or washing machine --or all of the above places!--whatever it takes to remind you to pray for this "not yetter" . I ask expectantly, in faith, to see this woman say "yes" to Alpha first, and then to Jesus as a result.

Day 1 is today. Alpha starts Tuesday (day 6). Perhaps I should've posted this sooner, but I'm sure God is sovereign over my feet-dragging way. Now I will pick up those feet and march. March. Pray. Advance.


Rachelle said...

I already have a post-it written and in front of me. I am praying now and will for the next 7 days for you to have boldness, but a gentle spirit and for Susan to be ripe for harvest.


Zoanna said...

Thanks, Rachelle.That means a lot to me. Did you get my pkg yet?

Briana Almengor said...

I will pray for Susan.

Leanne said...

I will pray.