Sunday, September 02, 2007

A Psalm Sammich at Summer's End (Tag)

I am making this Q&A as an interview to myself. My temptation (which I've yielded to far too often) has been to complain about what didn't go the way I wanted this summer, as opposed to recounting God's blessings. This morning's "Psalm Sammich" (Psalm 136..."for His steadfast love endures forever) gave me the kick in the spiritual seat of the pants I needed. Okay, conviction, but I like to try out new phraseology.

Whom shall I tag? I choose...let's see... my friends with rhyming first initials: B (Briana, Beth Y, Beth K, and Betty), D (Danielle), T (Tori) and I've probably forgotten someone. Sorry in advance. Here goes. Feel free to cut and paste for your blog and let us know when you've done this. :)

!. What did you most look forward to this summer? Going to Russia as a missionary.

2 What was the greatest highlight of your summer? There were two. Went to Russia. Got healed.

3. Did you make any new friends? Yes. Our GAiN team itself, plus Andrew and Sergei and a bunch of interpreters in Vladimir . Then back here, A & V from B, Russia. (They are being followed by the kay gee bee and so I am using their initials and being sketchy with details.) He received Christ in prison . No one had shared the gospel with him, but Jesus made a personal visit to him in his cell. He is now a home missionary in B.

4. What people did you have into your home this summer that you've never had? Besides the aforementioned couple, also my dad's cousin Janet and her daughter, Anastasia from Hawaii.

5. What fear did you face that God helped you overcome? Fear of a root canal.

6. What celebration did you most enjoy? a homecoming party for someone special 

7. What was the most emotionally difficult thing you witnessed, and how did God redeem the pain? Sitting with my mom at the ER as she suffered with a kidney stone, and all her many hospitalizations this summer when at the same time she had international guests. To watch my parents together at age 72 and 60-something-- living for the Lord and madly in love with each other-- is one of my greatest blessings as an adult.

8. What special gift or surprise did you receive? Everything handmade by orphans. Also, my friend Bonnie left a bouquet of flowers on the kitchen table next to a pack of Good 'n Plenty (my fave), and a container of eclairs in the fridge while I was on vacation. A birthday gift. (She had a key to the house. Wow. What a delight to walk into the house and find these treats after a long road trip af the end of an already-blessed week!)

9. What was the funniest thing you heard all summer? Probably Joel's suppository joke. (If you missed it and care to catch up:), it's at

10. Who blessed you the most this summer? My husband. He is so generous. Besides giving Sarah and me the blessing to go to Russia for 10 days, he also allotted spending money for us there in an amount greater than I'd imagined. Additionally, he used his bonus to pay contractors to put on new siding, windows, and roof, so our house has a whole new look from the curb. He also gave us a terrific weeklong beach vacation in an oceanfront condo and let the kids invite friends. (Only two ended up being able to join us.) Paul's daily hard work in a thankless, stressful job provides many luxuries that I am very grateful for. I remember skimpy years when vacation meant visiting family in Ohio because rent was free and food was cheap. It's nice to be able to make family memories with just our crew.

So there's my summer sammich with a Psalm 136 base, "Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, for his steadfast love endures forever."


Kristin said...

Your picture turned out really well! I like the blue theme! :) And Joel's joke was one of my favorites too!

Anonymous said...

My "summer sammich" was a tiny morsel compared to yours.
What I enjoyed most this summer was selecting flowers and watching Dean plant them at our new house. I have been pleased with them all summer.
2. Highlight? Dean quitting his job and my being able to spend more time with him.
3.New friends? not really, but we do have two babies coming yet before Christmas. Will make 11 great-grandones.
6. Celebration? I was going to say our 62nd wedding anniversary, but I think the picnic for Dean's 83rd birthday was the best. God has given both of us a long and wonderful life.
7. Emotional difficult thing? I'll keep that a secret but God has kept me at peace with all the turmoil.
8. Special gift or surprise? That has to be the sudden surprise of receiving Betty Boop gifts. So special I decided to get rid of my cows. At least most of them.
9. Funniest thing? Not one but many. I thank God for the gift of laughter.
10. Who blessed me the most this summer? Of course, Dean. At our age we keep each other blessed in all of life.
Nothing to compare with your summer but at a "ripe old age" we had a good summer!!
Betty G

Vicki said...

Hey Zo, so good to be home... Here are my answers...

1. What did you most look forward to this summer? My vacation to San Francisco and Monterey with my family. (Mostly spending time with my brother and his wife that I don't get to spend a lot of time with even though they only live an hour away.)

2 What was the greatest highlight of your summer? Probably my vacation with my family.
It was a wonderful vacation, but the time with my family was the best part.

3. Did you make any new friends?
Although we have never met, I would say that we have become friends Zo.

4. What people did you have into your home this summer that you've never had? I really need to grow in hospitality. As a single though, I find it is easier for others if I go to their homes if they have kids and serve them in their homes. I am hoping to grow in this area though...

5. What fear did you face that God helped you overcome? I was very afraid of going off my migraine medicine that I have been on for 19 years. Every time I have tried to go off it in the past I was not successful. I had to go off the med for medical reasons and feared I would wind up on disability. The Lord helped me through the process of adjusting to a new med and I have successfully been off the medication now for almost 6 months.

6. What celebration did you most enjoy? Having a nice dinner with my family on vacation.

7. What was the most emotionally difficult thing you witnessed, and how did God redeem the pain?
There were so many great trials this past year. My friends son was in a car accident and is still in a coma. Being in the hospital when we were told he was dying and saying our goodbyes. Rejoicing when he made it over the hump yet seeing his family in pain as they go through each day missing him. Then seeing friends suffer as their two year old granddaughter died of leukemia. There was a lot of sadness this year. The Lord has through all of this pain helped give us a desire for heaven. The things of this world are less desirable and I have found that I long for heaven more.

8. What special gift or surprise did you receive? My mom let me take out a loan for a laptop and GPS system for my job from her. No interest. I had 18 months before I had to start paying her back. On my birthday she gave me a sheet of paper saying my debt had been paid in full and that I didn't owe her any money. It was very symbolic to me of what Jesus had done on the Cross for me.

9. What was the funniest thing you heard all summer? Probably the funniest thing was something I did. When on vacation I was at the aquarium with my family. It was dark and I couldn't see where my family was. I found my brother and didn't want to lose him so I stood very close to him for a long time. He was taking FOREVER taking a ton of pictures of some coral. Finally I leaned over to him and tickled his side (on the ribs) and said, "You are really going to town there kiddo." My brother looked down at me and I looked up at him and screamed, "YOU'RE NOT MY BROTHER!!!, I AM SO SORRY! PLEASE FORGIVE ME!!! OH! I'M SORRY!" The guy smiled and felt bad for me and kind of laughed. I had made quite a scene and just took off. I was so embarrassed. (But looking back, it was pretty funny...)

10. Who blessed you the most this summer? Probably my parents. Between my mom forgiving me of my loan and then my parents taking me on an amazing vacation I would say I am very blessed.

Anonymous said...

This is sweet. I love the pic of your family.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I know you tagged me. I'll post soon.

Anonymous said...

Hey!!! What's up with you tagging young mom's???!! I wish I could answer these questions right now, but I barely have time to blog myself or comment! I'll try, thanks for thinking of me.

Zoanna said...

Their initials rhyme. Sorreeeee! But one of my taggees is single and one is in her 80s. Don't worry about it if it's a stressor.

Zoanna said...

Tori, that was sooo funny! The funny part was that I read it a little too fast and was thinking it was you tickling the guy and the GUY looks down and says, "Hey, you're really going to town there, kiddo." I'm picture this old man enjoying your affection. So I got a hearty laugh not once but twice!!! OH MAN, that sounds so much like something I did. My husband and his brother look similar, are built alike, and both are good and willing cooks. well, David was at the stove and I was at the sink. I walk over to "him" thinking it's Paul, who I find very sexy when he's cooking especially, and without looking up (he's 13 inches taller than me) I ALMOST SQUEEZED his backside. If David hadn't turned around to ask for water, I would've commited this unlawful act! He saw my hand and said, 'Uh,,,Paul, I think your wife wants you."