Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Q & A Wednesday: Personal Assistant

Question du jour:

If you could have any kind of personal assistant specializing in one area, to help you any time or all the time, what would you ask them to do for you?


Briana Almengor said...

For this season, I would have a "shopper" for Christmas season stuff: all my gifts, decorations, food items, etc. so that I could stay at home and not have to be running around w/ the kids in tow.

Sacha said...

Oh Bri! I would love to do that! ha ha! Be someones personal shopper, SO MUCH fun!

I'd have someone drive me around everywhere : ) I'd never have to deal with traffic frustrations again!

Anonymous said...

I love to drive, so here's a thought: Sacha pays me to drive, Bri pays Sacha to shop, and I pay no one! Now THERE"S a creative way to earn money and make two other people happy at once. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm with Briana. I'd just make lists of things I need and someone else can run all around and get them for me! I think I've mentioned before how much I HATE shopping!

Anonymous said...

I would love an assistant to for my packing...oh wait, I had one just last night. thanks Bri. sorry you didn't get a dime. many rewards in heaven await. :)

Oh, I'd love an assistant to teach Maggie phonics. Any takers? Can you do it long distance?

Anonymous said...

I would love a a tutor!

And I'm with Sacha- I would love to shop for someone. As long as I was given a list and didn't have to come up with it myself. And, as long as I didn't get paid. I hate taking money for stuff like that from people I know.

Anonymous said...

I would love a a tutor!

And I'm with Sacha- I would love to shop for someone. As long as I was given a list and didn't have to come up with it myself. And, as long as I didn't get paid. I hate taking money for stuff like that from people I know.