Monday, January 25, 2010

For All You Shoppers Out There

Posted by Betty over at It's Boopchile :

"I see you went crazy at the big summer clearance sale," Wanda comments, as
she looks at all the bags of merchandise her friend, Carol, just brought home from
the store.
"You got that right.....I almost bought their elevator because it was marked 'down' "


Laurie said...

Hee hee!
BTW-The name "Wanda" always reminds me of my favorite neighbor and babysitter when I was a grade school kid. Her name was Wanda.
She was my friend, Brenda's big sister. Wanda was 18 when Brenda 8 and I were around 8 years old. I hadn't thought about her for a long while until reading this joke. I'm enjoying the Wanda memories and I'm so glad she was brought to mind! Wanda died from cancer at a young age.

krista said...

slappin' ma knee