1. Decided at 11:00 a.m. to clean out my bedroom closet . Not the whole thing, just the floor and everything below the top shelf. On my side. (Paul keeps his side neat.) I knew I had to keep my ambitions in check or I'd burn out.
2. Determined to work for only 45 minutes.
3. Pulled everything out that was hanging on my clothes rod, plus cleared the floor. Wiped the rod down. Found self singing "A Long and Dusty Rod."
Who needs a mongo decorator pillowform jabbing them in the face
every tim ethey need in the closet? Sheesh! Chalk it up to my "if I see it, I'm more
likely to start sewing" mentality. Yeh, right . It just made for a more jammed and crammed closet.
4. 11:53 Woops! Everything's out, but nothing's back in!
But the floor looked great. Too bad I can't wear a floor .
At least it never needs to be ironed.
Looking at the stuff in the northern hemisphere affirmed my decision.
This was a job for another day. Good thing I have till the 15th to blog
my progress. The closet I have planned to do in three phases.
12:23 Got all my hanging clothes back in. Got rid of two
items I have been "on the fence" about since the last
clean-out. I am just happy that I've come a long way in my
ability to dejunk as I go.
12:44 Everything else is back in . Got rid of some linens
and only put matching sets (inside one of their matching pillow-cases)
back into the zippered dust cover. Much lighter! And you know,
the zipper is on there for a reason.
1:03 Stomach is growling, but I'm trying to line up all Paul's ties
nice and straight so all their points fall at the same place. Darn
slippy-slidey ties don't stay in perfect order anyway. But I love ties. Always
1:07 Put all his and my shoes back, remembering the days I was
not a shoe person. I had four pairs: tenners, flats, pumps, and flip-flops.
Then I discovered that tenners really are not attractive footwear for
every day. Made the mistake of liking shoes after that.
1:15 Quitting time. So I more than doubled my 45-minute limit.
I met my goal for today and feel really good. Stay tuned for Part 2 .
Usually I forget to take "before" shots. This time I forgot to take an "after"! Oh well,it's only Part 1 of a 3-part job. The big reveal will just have to wait.
You go!!! yay :)
I'm going to pray for you right now...
It's only a closet, I know, but a closet can become a gigantic space, a dungeon, a maze or it may even swallow you...
I know because I've spent time cleaning ours and need to again and again! I applaud your progress and that you're "breaking it down" into smaller jobs and giving yourself a time limit!
Thanks, Laurie. I have felt so great during this process, like a "get to' not a "got to" has come over me. STRAAAANGE. Must be God!
I have to say, the more I organize stuff, the more I love doing it. The more I get rid of, the freer I feel.
And to purpose from the get-go that I would clean this closet in 3 segments has completely liberated me.
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