Wednesday, August 08, 2007

8/8: Happy 16th, Stephen !!!

Dear Stephen,
Every August 8th and many times in between I get to reminisce about the wonderful day you were born. You joked around even in the womb, leading me to the hospital with false labor three times before the fourth and REAL time. You goofball. Then you surprised us by being born a boy and not a girl; it was like God's way of telling us early on that you would bring many laughs our way in your lifetime. That is certainly the case.

I thought I'd take the time to tell you 16 things I love about you, in no particular order.

1. Your smile. From the moment you were born, you have lit up a room with it.
2. Your sense of humor. Every day your quick wit delights me. The way you remember and tell jokes and your off-the-cuff comedy just keeps me rollin'.
3. Your passion for God. Many people have told me it's remarkable.
4. Your gentle spirit. Children and handicapped people are especially trusting of you because of it.
5. Your leadership skills. You take initiative. You set a great example. Teachers, pastors, and the principal of the school have taken notice and have appointed you leader of your upcoming senior class.
6. Your humility. You are quick to apologize and ask forgiveness when you've wronged someone.
7. Your desire to see others come to know the Lord--or know Him better. I've seen you in action street witnessing at White Marsh, I've heard good things about your boldness and sensitivity on the Boston e-team with your class, I've seen you attend the recent evangelism meeting at church and get excited about a possible teen Alpha.
8. Your computer skills. Where would I be without your help? And you don't complain. You could make me feel like an idiot for opening so many Windows at one sitting, or deleting stuff because my fingers fly and I have no clue what I did wrong until whole documents vanish. You always manage to find them. Your grandparents can't thank you enough for routinely bailing them out of computer snafus.
9. Your work ethic. I have seen so much growth in this area. This past week you answered the call to help total strangers move into their new home. They had no other help but you and Andy. In the heat and humidity you lugged boxes, furniture, and junk up and down their stairs ten hours over two days. You are a steady worker like your dad. You like precision but aren't a proud perfectionist.
10. Your musical ability. I have always enjoyed your piano playing, particularly the Charlie Brown theme song. I really never thought I'd say this, but I do enjoy listening to you play drums, too (and watching you when you are so zoned out with the iPod in your ears you don't even notice I'm there in your doorway). You truly worship with sticks in hand. I look forward to the day you are keeping the beat with the church band on Sundays.
11. Your athleticism. You enjoy a variety of sports but basketball is your first choice. It's a pleasure to watch you dribble, pass, shoot, and plan out the plays. Certainly is a testimony of how God healed your knee after your terrible skateboarding accident three years ago.
12. Your discernment. You've been given the gift of being able to get to the real issue in any conflict, disregarding the surface things that are being said that are irrelevant or only fuel for the proverbial fires our family occasionally start with our words to each other. Thank you for staying even-keeled and wise, able to silence a room with your uncanny gift of choosing the right scripture at the right time.
13. Your purity. I have never heard you disrespect a girl. You don't linger looking at girls, or talk about your sisters in Christ as anything other than that. It bothers you when other guys do. Sure it's normal and natural, but you try to live a holy and blameless life without being a loner or a snob.
14. Your chivalry. You are truly a gentleman. I can count on you to open my car door, hold other doors open, carry in groceries, pump the gas, use good table manners, and other small but very important graces that mean a lot to every woman and set the example for every man.
15. Your devotion to Christ. You aren't just passionate outwardly, you get away to a quiet place where no one but God sees you and commune with Him. Daily you are reading the Bible. I enjoy our conversations about confusing passages or hard saying of Jesus. I just asked you the other day if you've ever considered being a pastor and you said, "I've thought about it." You have the makings of a good one!!! Wouldn't it do Pappaw's heart good to see a 3rd-generation pastor in the family??
16. Your planning for the future. In the yearbook the question asked of every junior and senior was, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" You answered, "A father. Nothing else really matters." I love that you are already thinking in terms of tomorrow while living your life today with gusto for God, not wasting your youth, but investing it here and now in wholesome pursuits.

Thank you, Stephen, for modeling Christ to our family, to our neighbors, to our church, to the dark world. Your name means "crowned one." You have been crowned with grace and gifts and I will be the first to say you are keenly aware of that and take God's blessings seriously. Even your sense of humor!

I love you. I couldn't have asked for a better second son. You are a bright spot in my day every day. I will miss you (and your drums) when you move out on your own someday, but look forward to many great years under this roof. May God protect you, keep you, and make His face shine upon you.

Happy birthday.



Anonymous said...

You must be a wonderful mother (and don't leave the father out!!!).
And a very, very pretty mother, too.
And a "Happy Birthday" to Steve, too.
Bett G

anne said...

aw. Sweet post zo. How fun that our boys share the same birhtday...just 15 years apart.