Thursday, January 17, 2008

Birdwatching and Garden Dreams

Yesterday I introduced Joel officially to birdwatching. Not that I'm an expert. Hardly. I just love songbirds! We read about robins and ravens, nests and pests,
food and feathers. He used his new freebie kid binoculars to check out an abandoned nest way, way up in a tree aoross the street, and said, "That is COOL!"

Today I decided to subscribe to a magazine that my friend, Sharon M, loves. It's called "Birds & Blooms." It combines two of my favorite things in one magazine, and I think will inspire me way more than "Better Homes & Gardens." (Every time I read that title, I think, "Better than whose?" and it rubs me a little the wrong way. Someone's house is always gonna be better than mine, and so is their garden. Or vice versa, so the dual sins of jealousy and pride lurk at my door and garden gate. Ergh!)

Anyway, back to the birds. I'm excited to get out this afternoon with Sarah and Joel to the pet store. We got an unexpected gift check yesterday, addressed to me, yay!, so I've decided to put it toward birding and a bird garden.
On my list:
-birdwatching mag subscription (did that)
-birdfeeder (replace old one)
-bird seed
-garden journal

I told Joel he could pick a favorite bird and so would I, then we'll design our next little garden to attract those birds. I chose the hummingbird. He chose a raven. Um...not sure they'll co-exist well, honey. Maybe we need to rethink our choices or do some research first.


Anonymous said...

You will love the magazine. I don't take it now, but I bought some at garage sales and had a neighbor who gave hers to me, and
now I have a stack of them I won't part with.
Believe me they never get old!!
Have a good day, I am looking at lots more snow coming down right now after a warm spell that melted a lot of snow.
Winter is crazy but beautiful in Wisconsin.
Betty G

Anonymous said...

Have you discovered Birds & Blooms magazine? It's my favorite. They have a website also.