Friday, January 11, 2008

My Daughter is Coming Home...

...and I am so excited! I love Sarah. I mean I really love her. I love that we have meaningful talks, and that we have many of the same interests in common, and that she has grown into such a lovely young, pure lady. She is highly sought after as a babysitter and adored at her store. Friends know that when she says she is praying for them, she is. When she hurts, I hurt. When she's happy, I feel it. And there's nothing more I love than to hear her laugh. I've missed her laugh this week, except for the times she called and related something funny that happened up in New Hampshire.

Paul is on his way to the airport now. I would have gone but am still not comfortable sitting straight up for any length of time. Plus, I know how Paul drives. Nuff said.

Joel said last night, "I miss Sarah. I miss her a lot. When she gets home, I'm gonna love her like I never have before." He went on to try to express how much he loves her. He always goes for dimensions. "I love her all the way from that door to this one. No, that door way way over there." Or "I love her as big as heaven."

Yeh. Me, too.

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