Monday, September 21, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook 9.22.09

I enjoyed Amy's Daybook entry at Lavender Sparkles . The original idea for this writing prompt as a slice of life comes from The Simple Woman's Daybook. So I decided to give it another whirl myself. I'm writing this at 12: 20 ish in the morning and have been grading papers for a couple of hours.

Outside my window...
Midnight has fallen. I hear a symphony of crickets in the deep woods.

I am thinking...
about how mysterious it is that God allows us, His children, to gaze into and understand the Bible, which is something the angels yearn to peer into but can't. (First Peter 1:12 and Rev 5 this morning prompted this meditation.)

I am thankful for...
knees that usually work. The right one is in serious pain now and I don't know what I did.

From the kitchen...
comes the aggravating hum that means the fan is frozen over again in the freezer.

I am wearing...
a red V-neck, a blue skirt, and a hair clip. Never changed after school, bum that I am.

I am creating...
nothing at the moment. Earlier today I drew a ziggurat for my art/history students as a model for their drawing.

I'm also trying to unmake messes I made in the office over the summer.

I am going...
to add a backache to my knee-ache if I sit here any longer.

I am reading...
Amazing Grace (biography of William Wilberforce) by John Piper when I'm in the bathroom, so it's slow goin'.

I am hoping...
to break the 20-pound weight loss mark by September 29.

I am hearing...
Stephen's itunes from his earphones while he's doing his homework (table squeaks when he erases). The dog sighing. Sarah asking how to make her Andy Warhol project photos lighter on the printer at home. She'll be teaching the first and second graders again. They're going to love this project, I think. Last week, Sarah said she didn't plan in enough time for telling them to please sit down and be quiet. She probably said it 21 times in 40 minutes.

Around the house...
we are trying a new system called "5 or 25," which means the adult children must each pitch in 5 hrs per week of housework/yardwork or pay 25 bucks a week.

One of my favorite things...
finding comments on my blogs or facebook.

A few plans for the rest of the week...
work out, give a couple bags o' stuff to charity, spend more time on writing than other subjects in class for a change.

A picture thought I am sharing...
will come soon.


Amy said...

you're a lot less wordy than me :) I enjoyed this slice of your life. 5 or 25 made me smile...and you can do 20 by 29!

Amy said...

p.s. I don't know if I've said so, but I really enjoy the picture of you in your sidebar. it's nice to see your beautiful smiling face when I come to read your thoughts :)

Laurie said...

Thank you for the slice and the glimpse of life!
When I think of slices of life I think of one of my favorite Psalms. Here is Psalm 90:12-17:
"So teach us to number our days,
That we may present to You a heart of wisdom.
Do return, O LORD; how long will it be? And be sorry for Your servants. Satisfy us in the morning with Your lovingkindness, That we may sing for joy and be glad all our days. Make us glad according to the days You have afflicted us,
And the years we have seen evil.
Let Your work appear to Your servants And Your majesty to their children. Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us;
And confirm for us the work of our hands; Yes, confirm the work of our hands."
Blessings to you in each slice of life!
God is good!
His lovingkindness is everlasting!

zz said...

Aww, thanks, Amy. I've been purposing to use fewer words in real life and on paper. Plus my butt hurt too much last night to be wordy! Thanks for the compliment on my picture. It looks better than I do, which is inexplicable without Photoshop.

Laurie, I love that passage. In addition to numbering my days, I am trying to cut back on the number of hours I spend at this dumb computer. My slices of life are probably more important to me than to anyone else. Paul wonders why I"m on facebook--as if anyone cares what I'm thinking at any given moment. But I like to hear snippets from others and I think some might actually care what's going on in my corner of the globe.

Laurie said...

I care what's going on in your corner of the globe! But I still get frustrated with facebook... facebook may have overtaken some blogs, but I'm probably going to be a die hard blogger... an old lady with long gray hair pulled back in a bun ;) (laptop on my wheelchair tray) blogging on until the Lord calls me home! I may not have a clue what I'm saying, but I hope to be a happy blogger if the Lord allows... even if I'm not really even plugged in or online! (I've painted this word picture for my family often!)
So- I'm encouraging you to keep blogging even if you "do facebook"!also. Who knows the plans could change and at my speed, facebook may become my new medium too just about the time everybody seems to be moving on to something else!