Wednesday, April 09, 2014

H is for Second Honeymoon

My dad has always been such a romantic.  This is one of my favorite pages in his little legacy book. Short and sweet. Very, very sweet.


Daddy, if you could go anywhere you wanted on  a second honeymoon, where would you go? Why?

I have no interest in a second honeymoon. I want the first one to continue till the day one of us dies.
We are enjoying the splendor of it! 


susan e. schwartz, ph.d., Jungian analyst said...

Interesting question to ask and hopeful answer.
Garden of Eden Blog

Susan Kane said...

A wise, wise man!

Luna said...

How very very sweet!

By the way your picture is beautiful.... you are a very pretty person.


Su-sieee! Mac said...

I agree wholeheartedly with your dad. Marriage is the honeymoon. I'm having a great one myself. :-)
The View from the Top of the Ladder

Marianne (Mare) Baker Ball said...

Oh, sweet response. If we could all feel that way, the world would be a lovely place. :-)