Sunday, June 10, 2007

Crunch Time Prayer Requests

I am feeling the pressure and excitement now. This trip ranks number 5 in my most eagerly anticipated events of my life, behind getting married and birthing four children. Nine months in the actual anticipation, and now we're down to the last week. WE LEAVE FRIDAY!

Here's what's on my heart, tempting me to be anxious, but which I am running to the Lord with instead. I would appreciate your linking arms with me and thank you so much who have been faithfully supporting us in prayer thus far.

1) Shouldn't be number 1 but it is. I have a Luke 5:25 problem. Hasn't lasted 12 years, but closer to 3 weeks now. No pain, but fast weight loss (yay!) and occasional bouts of lightheadedness. Not much fatigue, but I am craving iron big time. Please pray for wisdom. I haven't seen a GYN since Joel was 9 weeks old. Fear from what happened during his birth has driven me far from health care providers, namely of that specialty. So I don't have a regular GYN, and even if I did, he or she would probably want to run tests or give me hormone meds . Mess with hormones right before an international flight and 10 day trip? AAACHK!Nor do I have time to squeeze a doctor's appointment in this week. I want to be healed without meds. Last night I could almost picture touching the hem of Jesus' garment. Desperate, begging, hopeful.Laurie prayed for me at church and used the same passage from scripture to speak in faith. Thanks, friend.

2) Logistics of the week. It looks like this in a nutshell: shop, clean, hope my visa and int'l tickets come, find a way to take a piece of luggage I didn't find out about until today. GAIN sent stuff for Sacha (a suitcase worth for orphans) but she's in the UK; let Sarah and STephen sleep in and not beg them for help. They'll be home after midnight from Boston, after a day in church and a block party up there, then a 10 hour drive. Mabye 3 a.m will be more like it. I pick them up when they get back to the church. Hope party goods from Oriental Trading shows up. Also goodies ordered from them to take to the orphans. PLEASE PRAY GRACE ON SARAH. She will have just 4 days between trips, and I know she's been anxious at times about preparing well. She is not a procrastinator but an efficient plodder. But her presentation was not finished when she left.
Tuesday: Trip's Welcome Home Party. Girls arrive 4:30 to decorate. Trip arrives at 6. Some of the littlest girls would rather play w/ each other than help; pray I have patience with them. And joy no matter what happens. I bought 9 little flags for the Operation Gummi Worms kids to wave as Trip comes down the street. I am going to ask their sibs who want to bang on pots, pans, and portable drums. WE'll have a cookout (pray grlll works; it always has), a Photo with the Hero session., Q &A, prayer over him, give him welcome home cards they've made, and then hopefully when the kids leave, some time with just Andrea and Trip,. I haven't seen Andrea in a couple of years. Haven't seen Trip since 1999. They've been in town since June 6 but spending time with his side of the family and /or my parents.
WEds; laundry and pack, pack, pack. Clean up rest of party. Get all new cash bills. Only newest 20s and 100s are accepted over there. Also need to get the van in for AC repair. I may postpone that. Prayer request would be for peace and energy.
Thurs: finalize packing and practice our presentations to the family, if they want. So far not a whole lot of interest in what we're actually going to share with the kids. Ben, in fact, keeps asking, "When ya leaving? I can't wait!' Thanks, son . I'll miss you, too. A decent night's sleep. Yeah, yeah, I know I can sleep on the plane, but I need sleep in order to process from sun-up to sundown, when we get the air.
Friday: smooth send=off. NO MAJOR TEARS FROM JOEL. We leave Dulles (Washington DC) at 12:45 pm. Between here and there are 2 horrendous beltways to navigate, and my hubby is not excited at all about that, even though he's a great chauffeur. Aggressive and savvy on the road, but not without sweat. (My sweat.)
We arrive at JFK Int'l in NY at 1:57. Jet Blue Airways. Paul and Stephen will help w/ luggage to security gates; after that Sarah and I need strength for 5 suitcases and 2 backpacks. Such pressure is rough on my interiors, let me put it that way. I am so glad bags are wheeled!
Pray we meet our GAIN coordinators easily at our destination. All 100 of us are meeting at JFK. (Pray all goes well w/ customs. )
Some of the missionaries go to Ukraine, some to Siberia. Only 15 of us are going to W. Russia, but we all fly into Moscow together and spend the first night before heading separate ministry locales. Pray for everyone, please. Many have been before; many, like us, are rookies. Pray for bonding.

That's all for now. I look around and see so much to do. I need wisdom as to what doesn't need to be done as well. I'm so eager to hear from Sarah and STephen, too. I doubt I'll sleep much tonight, but the Lord is good. I got a long nap today (my usual Sunday) and can function on 4 or 5 hours when I know I can crash the next afternoon. I just don't foresee being free to crash tomorrow afternoon!

If you have any words of wisdom, advice for smooth travel, prophetic words, scripture or anything you think would help me, please say so! I consider every one of you an instrument of mercy from God!


Vicki said...

ok Zo, as far as your Gyn stuff goes... if God has called you to go to Russia, He will protect you and work supernaturally in your life to give you the grace you need to do what He wants you to do over there. Believe this.

I was in a bad car accident years ago and have a very bad shoulder injury. It causes me a lot of pain. Carrying a clipboard at youth camp is painful. When I was in China I was able to carry 40-70 pounds of bibles on my back without any problems. My shoulder NEVER HURT ONCE. I get migraines. I NEVER had one migraine in China. My family jokes that I was healthier in China then I have ever been here. HE WILL SUSTAIN YOU. DO NOT FEAR. He will give you grace for what He has called you to.

Make sure you walk a lot on the plane. Rub your feet. Drink lots of fluids. Stretch. Watch the movies (if they are appropriate). It will help pass the time.

No matter what happens the best advice I can give you is trust that the Lord has called you to this. If and when something happens (like when I got lost in Hong Kong and couldn't figure out how to get in touch with my contact) stop and trust that the Lord is teaching you something there in that moment and don't let that moment pass you by. Those will be some of the precious moments of your trip that will stay with you for a lifetime. It will be like sitting in the Father's hand and you will feel how close He really is.

Anonymous said...

Zoanna, I have no words re travel by plane. I do want to remind you I will pray for you, I have your post with the dates.
May God bestow all kinds of blessings and wonderful experiences for all of you.
My grandson made two trips to Russia with Bill Gothard groups and had the most wonderful time you could imagine.
And his only talent was playing a harmonica, seems they loved the harmonicas. He, too, worked in schools.
Sending love with you,
Betty G

Jessi said...

Hi Zoanna,

I've been so far behind in reading/writing in the blogosphere, but I'm catching up today and just wanted to let you know you will be in my prayers. I know God will sustain you, and overcome any and all obstacles the enemy tries to hurl at you - including GYN issues!! But it helps to have the specifics to pray for. Looking forward to hearing awesome testimonies when you get back!!

Many Blessings!!

Vicki said...

Oh, one more piece of advice...
I prayed ahead of time and asked the Lord where He wanted me to read for my devotions during my trip. He led me to Isaiah. I would strongly encourage you to pray ahead of time to see where the Lord would have you read for your trip. The Lord would lead me to specific scriptures in Isaiah each day that were instrumental in my trip being successful.

I am excited for you two. I wish my mom could have gone with me. What wonderful memories you will have together.

I will be praying.