Thursday, June 28, 2007

On a Wing and a Prayer : Evening of Day 1

My favorite seats on an airplane are right on the wing or just barely behind it. I love the perspective. The power in the wings, the albatross stretching across the sky, high above the clouds, where only sun or moon light the sky. Seeing the new colors God has chosen to put on His invisible paintbrush. Gold. Pewter. Violet. Rose. Close your eyes for a little sleep, and wake up to find He has experimented for His own good pleasure, only to share it with you. Peaches and plums glowing beneath a periwinkle canopy.

Such a palette I admired in the sunset as Aeroflot Flight 316 soared like an eagle above the New York Harbor, over the mountains of New England and the icy islands of Nova Scotia that flirt with the Canadian coast.

The only interruption to my skygazing? Dinner being served in the aisle. Seated in 34G &H, we had to be patient, which isn't difficult if you're familiar with airplane food. It's kind of like being so hungry after giving birth that you'll eat almost anything, even if you don't recognize it.

From my journal:

Dinner was good, actually....Tender beef with gravy and scalloped potatoes, broccoli, tuna salad, block cheese, bread and butter, tiramisu, and hot tea. When I was finished I asked Sarah, "Won't this plane smell fun in a half hour?" She laughed and asked if she had broccoli in her teeth. Funny that I wrote THAT question on my blog (as a joke) about phrases I need to learn in Russian.

I'm trying to sleep but children's faces and names (I've not met them yet) are heavy on my heart.

Sarah, my precious and only daughter, adjusted her little orange pillow on my left shoulder and lay her head down. I recalled the days when she was a little girl falling asleep on my shoulder in church, failing in her desired attempts to stay awake and hear God's Word being preached. What a comfort to know that His Word sinks into our spirits even when our frail bodies and weak eyes can't resist rest. I lay my head on top of hers and wished for sleep.

But sleep evaded me. Evasion with a holy purpose, though: God alerted me to pray. I didn't mind, because the joy of hearing from God can't be compared to sleep. I began to pray, to ask God what He wanted me to hear. Immediately He began to give me a name and then a characteristic. One after another. So I paused, grabbed my little green journal, and jotted down what He had said to that point.

Oddly, most of the names were not Russian, but the characteristics were so specific. I'll give the descriptions in a moment, but I will tell you my hand was trying to keep up with fast pace of the Spirit pressing me to pray and to keep my spiritual eyes open for certain needy people on the trip.

Again, from my journal, fast scrawling notes:

{I hear the} words "Endeavor to meet all with joy. Move about the crust/crusty.
Give ______ dollars to pastor's pregnant wife due in July with 3rd child.
Vision of woman making pie crust. She is crusty herself, hardened by the heat of poverty and exhaustion. bitter but starting to notice beauty and wanting it; like a flower in dry hard clay she blooms anyway. Look for this woman. "

It feels so peaceful in this plane. The Spirit of God is active as all these GAiN folk are here... I guess we're taking turns sleeping and praying but I feel utterly carried as if I just caught an updraft on eagle's wings. Out the window--pure clouds like a complete fog. I can't see a thing but the pilot can. If I didn't believe that, I'd be a mess.

Words of knowledge from the Lord on the plane:

Daniel-about 6, ear problem

Emily--afraid, very!

Alexander-trying to be bold-bless him to be like Alexander the Great-but not for earthly kingdom--conquering sin, fear--a vessel to be filled for future missions to nations

Dirk-troubled youth--lots of questions, clammed up, needs safety and love--motherly love

Erika--wants a pet; shy

Latiana--joyful spark

Shel--an adult? older teen? don't know--inquisitive about Jesus.

Breakfast on Aeroflot to Moscow: Jimmy Dean Bacon Egg Cheese Biscuit, fruit cocktail, KitKat bar and hot tea. Praise: No problem with cheese!
Getting thru customs: Didn't have to! We got to go as a group thru the Green Channel--no questions asked!
Passport Control--no questions asked.

One little Russian boy (about 3 or 4 years old) got lost in the airport while we waited in our passport control lines. (In queue, as they said so cutely over there.) A Russian tourist lady knelt down to talk to this young child (his big tear and fears on his face). Then she called out something in Russian. (No answer.) Then, cupping her mouth with her hands as if holding a megaphone, she calls out in English to this 1/4 acre of people, "Deed anybotty loose a keed?" (Laughter all around.) Within seconds a distraught, white-haired grandmother claims him, hugs him, scolds him, takes his little hand and all is well.


Rachelle said...

I cannot tell you how this post has encouraged me today. I sit here with tears about to spill over. (I guess that makes me a tad sappy, crying over biscuits!:)) I hear God calling me today, much because of your testimony. My prayer today is that you are healed physically and that God will send me outside of myself.
Thanks & God bless

Zoanna said...

Rachelle, thank you . I'm glad you're encouraged. Can you be more specific about what God may be calling you to "outside yourself"? That would give me great encouragement!

Rachelle said...

I would love to expound extemporaneously and turn this into a novella. The bottom line is I really feel God calling me to quit wrapping myself so tightly into my temporal life and go out and do his work. I believe with all my heart that it includes ministering to widows and orphans (as we are charged to do). I do not know specifics yet of the calling on my heart. Possibly missional work, but another area I am feeling pulled is in the area of international adoption. Both of these would have to include my husband of course, so I covet your prayers desperately.

Zoanna said...

I can totally relate. God got hold of me good thru the book "Don't Waste your Life" by John Piper. Before reading the book, I kept thinking, "I'm almost 40. What do I have to show for my life to God's glory?" Sure, raising four kids and being a wife, but it had been YEARS since I really got out of these boxes (my home and my church) that were way too comfortable, too easy to say, "Well, I teach Sunday School once a month or help ladies over tiny spiritual hurdles," but it wasn't the same as when I was counseling women in crisis pregnancies, or visiting lonely old ladies in a nursing home. It just wasn't okay for me to attend church once a week, even if I served regularly. It wasn't okay to just attend care group as my hubby's guitar music holder. It wasn't okay to spend all my energies on kids who were setting foot in the work world in the name of motherhood. Don't Waste Your Life--and I can't quote from it or anything--in fact some parts are quite wordy as is Piper's style (like I'm one to talk about wordiness!) but the gist of it hit me hard. So I prayed and realized I could influence other people for the Lord. It mattered to me enough to make some getting young girls together to pray and pack up stuff for a suffering soldier, or filling Katrina Kits with toiletries and toys for displaced families. The joy in DOING , not just thinking about it, compels me to do more colaboring WITH God. (It's a good idea to forget that you're doing anything "for" God; he can acoomplish anything on His wants, but it's a joy to realize He will use you if your heart is positioned for WHATEVER. He will give you work that is suited to the gifts He's given you. That's the fun part!