Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Miracle for my Nephew

Do miracles still happen? Absolutely. Do they happen every time we pray? Absolutely not. God gets to decide. But I am rejoicing over the miracle God decided to do for my nephew Jonathan last week.. He is 18 years old, the youngest son of Paul's brother, Gerard. Although a bit long, this email is straight from Gerard, as only he can tell it:

Hey Everybody
Today was a very weird day, it went from the usual into the miraculous. As anybody who knows our family, knows we have a REALLY SCREWED up medical condition. We'll here it goes for today. I received a call from the school nurse and she was telling me that Jonathan came in complaining of chest pain, trouble breathing, numbness and sick to the stomach with cold chills. So, I did what any guy who does not have a whole lot of medical training does, I handed the phone to Linda. The nurse stated that Jons heart rate was extremely high and would not go down even after resting. So we waited a little longer to see if it would adjust with resting ( a few minutes), it did not. So the nurse called the paramedics who ran a EKG that looked like a toddler with a pencil in his hand drew it. They put IV's in and wired him up and sent him out to the hospital. The hospital was only a few minutes from the school, but we still beat them there (Linda was driving :-O). They let us come in to the room only to try and sort out out CRAZY CONNECTIVE TISSUE disorder (named Zubrowski syndrome), which has problems concerning the heart. At that point his heart rate was 180 then it climbed to 200. They were working quick asking questions and getting him ready for a procedure that was a little scary. First they mainlined a needle full of heart regulatory meds and watched, NOTHING. Then they loaded another syringe of meds and injected it in, NOTHING. The EKG's looking worse now. Then they said they would have to put him out and shock him with the electric pads to try and stabilize his out of control heart. NOW Linda and I are getting a little SCARED. The crash cart comes out, breathing bag, breathing tube, and about 10 people in the room, they are talking a little louder and getting the electric pads charged and ready. They stick protective pads on his chest and some one blurts out "KING OF KINGS". They are discussing the new tattoo Jo n has on his arm and someone asked if it was gang related. And we answered "it is the ultimate gang" Jons then says he put it there for that reason, "so people will ask, what does it stand for or about ?" We are waiting for the anesthesiologist and then the talk turns to church and worship music. The one paramedic is a Christian who goes to a local congregation and is on a worship team. In flies the doctor to put him under and Linda and I are praying silently. We jokingly say good night and watch his eyes roll back into his head. At that moment the monitors click back to a perfectly beating heart beat and the doctors says shouts stop the meds and the anethesiologist grabs his face and starts talking to him and waking him up. I am thinking this is a miracle to happen so quick. Jon starts to get disoriented and jumping a little waking up, and then the doctor turns around and says to Linda you were praying weren't you? And she said yes, the doctors exact statement was "I could feel it in this room". It baffled them too, the anesthesiologist says it can happen but they never seen it before. I am getting copies of the EKG to have, I will post them when I get them. The cardiologist asked what the name of our church was, three times. Jon was released only a few hours after all the tests and blood work came back in and was put back on bata blockers for now. I truly thank God for his intervention when we really feel helpless and scared. Our assoc, Pastor Jeff Hudson and Worship leader Chris Gorsuch (great friends) were there within the hour for Jon and us. A tattoo, A prayer, and a miracle. When you are really afraid of not knowing what is next in your life, and Gods just shows up when you pray, it confirms He is really here. I know some skeptics will say it was this or that that snapped Jon out of it, but I truly believe and know it was God and prayers. Jon will be going for some more tests and follow ups so keep him in prayer and please spread this around, it may cause someone to have hope in a really bad situation. We are not great or super spiritual people by any means, but we do have faith and hope in OUR GOD.


Briana Almengor said...

That's awesome, Zo. Thanks for sharing that.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's wonderful.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting this. It will certainly be an encouraging
miracle to be remembered and acted upon.
God still does miracles but we seldom hear of them. So thank you.
Betty G

Sacha said...

WOW! Amen!

Bethany said...

wow!!!!!!!! So great to read this

Anonymous said...

Prayer is amazing.

Jessi said...

AWESOME!! God is so amazing...