Monday, November 07, 2011

Heaven and Hell. Both are Real.

Last night I watched a TV show wherein the people are real, telling their true stories of their life-after-death experiences. One man had drowned in a pool at age 12, while horsing around with his friends, I think.

He tells of the bright light he saw, light particles that seemed to penetrate his soul. He used the word "soul" instead of body. How intriguing . He went on to describe the place and the feeling as so wonderful he just wanted more and more. He remembers emerging to what he described as heaven and there was someone he intuitively knew was Jesus Christ. The man had never had a 'church experience' or an encounter with the living God before, but in this instance he knew Jesus.

He said Jesus grabbed hold of his forearm like a snake bites a person except it didn't hurt; it was just getting his attention. Jesus told him, "You must go back, you have work to do." The man, who remember was just a 12-year-old at the time, started to say, "No," and while trying to say "no," began coughing up water. He woke up to see his buddies standing over him, terrified, witht the look of, "Our parents are gonna kill us!" The man said he should have become very angry with his friends for their carelessness, but instead he became angry at God for sending him back and not letting him stay in heaven with him!

He got so angry he turned from God for 12 more years and wallowed in self-pity and became a drug addict. He attempted suicide at age 24 and in that experience, was taken by Jesus to a place he describes as hell. "I cannot talk about it, it was so evil. It mutes me when I try. The darkness, the horror. The demons. The separation from Jesus; that was the worst--knowing I would never ever see Him again and that I had turned from Him. Jesus told me this is where you'll end up if you continue on the path you're on."

The man made a decision then and there to follow Jesus, and to make it his life mission to work with suicidal people and warn them of the reality of hell and the delight of a relationship with Jesus on earth, a relationship that keeps on going in heaven.

I have wondered several times, what is my life mission? At the moment, it seems shapeless and ambiguous (as in , what should I specifically be doing for His kingdom?) . But regardless, the aim is the same: tell as many people as you can about the love of God, the wrath of God, the holiness of God, the forgiveness of God, and don't leave out the ugly part that hell is real-- if you really love your neighbor as yourself.

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